Friday, May 29, 2015

Student Success Statement

                                        Student Success Statement

                    "A man without a goal is like a ship without a rudder."

Thomas Carlyle

Reflection: I believe that this statement does not only apply to men but also women. A woman always knows where to go and what to do but when she has no goals she is simply stuck and indecisive. Whenever a man has no goals set in his life he will lose control of himself and will serve for nothing. Goals are essential in everyone's life. Having goals makes us be ambitious and seek for important stuff that we care about and want to accomplish.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement

If there is beauty in character, there will be harmony in the home. If there is harmony in the home, there will be order in the nation. If there is order in the nation, there will be peace in the world.
Conclusion: If there is beauty in character, there will be peace in the world.

Chinese Proverb
Reflection: I think that when you do good you get good in return. When you are being nice people are also going to be nice at you. It is necessary to have plenty of beauty in your character, this way people are going to know you are of value and you will be treasured by many. The ones who don't will only envy you and fill their heart with hatred, loneliness, and sadness.

"The Six Pillars of Character"

"The Six Pillars of Character"

1. Trustworthiness

2. Trustworthiness is being honest, having the courage to do the right thing. If my mom lends me 20 dollars and expects me to give 10 dollars i will give her that amount of money, she can trust me.

    Respect is about being tolerant and accepting of differences. If someone argues with me, I will be calm and not cuss or begin to lose myself. I will respect that persons argument.

    Responsibility is about doing what I'm supposed to do, being accountable for your words, actions, and attitudes. If I have homework due the teacher can rely in me and I will be responsible and I will turn in the homework by the day it is due.

    Fairness is about playing by the rules, not taking advantage of others. If I'm playing a game and I loose i will not be dissapointed, I will be fair and accept that i lost and simply try harder the next time.
   Caring is about being kind and compassionate, helping the ones in need. If i see a homeless person who is hungry and ask me for money i will lend money if I have, i will be caring and kind.

    Citizenship is about cooperating and being involved in your community. If my community is dirty and needs to be cleaned I will help clean to make our community look neat and better of a community to live in.


4.Reflection: I think that the six pillars of character make us reflection about our actions. The way we act will show the way we were raised. Whenever you follow these pillars you will be rewarded with happiness and gratitude inside your spirit and heart. Learning these manners will make you a better person.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Student Success Statement

Student Success Statement

"I would prefer even to fail with honor than win by cheating."


Reflection: I believe that doing what you want in a correct way will bring you honor. Honor is way more important thank just winning something. Cheating is bad and always brings dishonor and disrespect to yourself. Personally I would prefer to fail and not accomplish anything with honor than accomplish and win something by cheating. I can't stand myself if I ever was to do something by cheating. Finally, I must say that the only one who can think and judge you is yourself. Be conscious of your actions and whatever actions you take you must remember that you must do it the correct way. 

Memorial Day

Memorial Day "Land of the Free because of the Brave"

1. Memorial Day is to remember and commemorate those who died in active military service .

2. The purpose of Memorial Day is to demonstrate respect and honor to those who gave their life to give us and keep our freedom.

3. Memorial Day originally came May 30th, but now it has been changed to the last Monday in May.

4. A few ways you can show honor and respect on Memorial Day are having parades and voluntarily keep silence for some minutes and demonstrate honor and respect to those who died for our country. And remember all gave some, some gave all.


6. Did you know that Memorial Day was first known as Decoration Day, for the practice of decorating graves with flowers, wreaths, and flags. Federal Law declared Memorial Day the official name in 1967.

7. What I would do on Memorial Day to show honor and respect would be to do a prayer to all the fallen ones that gave it all, and to those who bravely keep fighting and giving it all. This is a special day in which respect and honor are essential to our country. Finally, God bless America!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015


Student Success Statement

"If I've got correct goals, and if I keep pursuing them the best way I know how, everything else falls into line. If I do the right thing, I'm going to succeed."

Don Dierdorf

Reflection: I believe that one has to be confident about what he or she is doing. Doing the right thing is essential to everyone, your actions are based in what you have been educated, the more nice, the more educated. When you do the right thing you succeed, you feel good in the inside. My conclusion is that whenever you do something right, you will feel successful.

Monday, May 18, 2015


                                Student Success Statement

        "The most important thing you will ever have is good values"

Reflection: I think that having good values is essential to all of us. When you have good values you demonstrate you are well educated and that you come from a good family. When you are polite and treat people nicely that makes people feel love and nice things for you. Whenever your feeling down and sad there is no need for you to turn people down.            

While watching this video of Dennis Pragger I realized that being honest to your feelings is very important. I realized that we humans do what we think is right and rule by what we are thought by our parents and we don't always turn to do well. But we always have the option to choose what is correct.

Thursday, May 14, 2015


                               Student Success Statement

                                          "Nothing is ever gained in doing what's wrong."

Willford Woodruff

Reflection: I think that doing what's correct is essential and important to all of us, but sometimes we make mistakes and do bad things and that's also right. Doing something bad doesn't really make you a bad person, it's the action that judges you but if you recognize you did something wrong you will be forgiven in mind and spirit. 

LAUSD: Families


LAUSD: Families

1. Some of the services LAUSD offers to families mainly consists of participation and education. LAUSD commits to offer services and programs for the education of students families and the student itself. They have summer school programs made for you to re take a class or a single semester of any class you might of failed. They also have English language programs for those parents who want to learn in depth the language. Also free meals application for students. This will benefit families.

2. This services will benefit me by educating me. These programs are essential if i need any type of help, such in math, English, science, etc.

3. I think that some services me and family would use would probably be a counselor or adviser. This will help us solve our differences and solve some problems.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015


Student Success Statement 

"The reward for doing right is mostly an internal phenomenon: self-respect, dignity(self-worth), integrity, and self-esteem."
Dr. Laura Schlessinger

Reflection: I believe that Dr. Laura is trying to say that when you do good you feel good. Doing the right thing is essential and makes us feel self-worthy and special. When you do something wrong it is obvious that you are going to feel bad because doing a bad action always leads us to a bad pathway and wrong decisions.


LAUSD Students

LAUSD Students

1. LAUSD offers counseling and guidance, alternative school centers, mental health consultation, summer programs, etc. These programs are essential to us students in order to have a better school and a better education. This way we are ready to succeed in life.

2. These services will benefit me by helping me do better and bigger achievements. Creating a better space and programs for us students to develop. Many of these programs are created for our own development at school and education.

3.Of all these services available i think i would like going to counseling and guidance. I believe this would be a great program for me because i enjoy talking ans just letting all my problems out. I like to listen and be listened.

Friday, May 8, 2015


                               Student Success Statement

                                                 "Dare to stand alone."

Thomas S. Monson

Reflection: I believe that standing alone is one of the best things you can do because standing alone does not involve anyone else's decision. When you are alone you have time to think and do things yourself. Being alone is good and also makes you think about all the things you've done. Whenever I'm alone i think about a million things, i think about how things are going and how i'm changing physically and emotionally. The favorite thing i like to do when I'm alone is think about my loved one, of how much i miss him, talk to him,  and sing.

Nursing Home Administrator

Nursing Home Administrator

Duties and Responsibilities: A Nursing Home Administrator develops and implements nursing home policies and procedures to comply with Federal, State, and Local requirements and to fulfill license  certification standards.

Salary: Average $70,000 per year

Education: Requires a license of Nursing Home Administrator and experience in long-term care facility.

Reflection: I think i wouldn't like this career because it doesn't seem that interesting to my eyes. I feel like i wouldn't do a great job at it but i would definitely try my best. Also, i don't think it's well-paid.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015



Eric Smallridge is a man who was prisoner a couple years ago. He went to prison and was sentenced with 20 years for driving drunk at twice the speed limit and crashed into girls Lisa and Megan which instantly died. Megan was daughter of Renee. Renee and Lisa's parents immediately felt devastated to know about such tragic news.

Both parents decided that 20 years was good enough for Eric to pay but Renee realized that she would only hold grudges and hate towards him. Then, Renee decided to cut his sentence to 10 years and Eric was truly grateful and infinitely sorry and guilty for Lisa's and Megan's death. He is now united with Renee giving conferences in a huge variety of school's and church's giving speeches about how driving drunk can cause you many trouble and harm many people's life.

Renee and Eric


                                Student Success Statement

                         "When a deep injury is done on us, we never recover until we forgive."

Alan Paton

Reflection: I think that we know when were ready to forgive or not. Sometimes you probably may never be able to forgive that person for the pain and hatred hes caused in you and that is also fine because only you know how you feel and when you may be able to forget about it instead of forgiving. No matter what people say, you are the only one who is to decide if you forgive or forget. People sometimes cause us too much pain and our hearts are broken into pieces, they sometimes make us cry, make pure tears fall down our cheeks and not because of that they are to let us down. Fight, that is my advice, fight that person, maybe not physically but with words and strong character. Many times people are so fragile and weak that their only defense is to let others fragile and weak also.

Chief Executive Officer

Chief Executive Officer

Duties and Responsibilities: A CEO responsibility is operating, marketing, strategy, financing, creation of company culture, etc.

Salary: Median $682,759

Education: May require bachelors degree with at least 15 years of experience

Reflection: I think I would like to be a CEO because it seems like an interesting career path to me. It is also well paid and I like leadership and committing to a cause for the best of the company.