Memorial Day "Land of the Free because of the Brave"
1. Memorial Day is to remember and commemorate those who died in active military service .
2. The purpose of Memorial Day is to demonstrate respect and honor to those who gave their life to give us and keep our freedom.
3. Memorial Day originally came May 30th, but now it has been changed to the last Monday in May.
4. A few ways you can show honor and respect on Memorial Day are having parades and voluntarily keep silence for some minutes and demonstrate honor and respect to those who died for our country. And remember all gave some, some gave all.

6. Did you know that Memorial Day was first known as Decoration Day, for the practice of decorating graves with flowers, wreaths, and flags. Federal Law declared Memorial Day the official name in 1967.
7. What I would do on Memorial Day to show honor and respect would be to do a prayer to all the fallen ones that gave it all, and to those who bravely keep fighting and giving it all. This is a special day in which respect and honor are essential to our country. Finally, God bless America!
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