"The Six Pillars of Character"
1. Trustworthiness
2. Trustworthiness is being honest, having the courage to do the right thing. If my mom lends me 20 dollars and expects me to give 10 dollars i will give her that amount of money, she can trust me.
Respect is about being tolerant and accepting of differences. If someone argues with me, I will be calm and not cuss or begin to lose myself. I will respect that persons argument.
Responsibility is about doing what I'm supposed to do, being accountable for your words, actions, and attitudes. If I have homework due the teacher can rely in me and I will be responsible and I will turn in the homework by the day it is due.
Fairness is about playing by the rules, not taking advantage of others. If I'm playing a game and I loose i will not be dissapointed, I will be fair and accept that i lost and simply try harder the next time.
Caring is about being kind and compassionate, helping the ones in need. If i see a homeless person who is hungry and ask me for money i will lend money if I have, i will be caring and kind.
Citizenship is about cooperating and being involved in your community. If my community is dirty and needs to be cleaned I will help clean to make our community look neat and better of a community to live in.
4.Reflection: I think that the six pillars of character make us reflection about our actions. The way we act will show the way we were raised. Whenever you follow these pillars you will be rewarded with happiness and gratitude inside your spirit and heart. Learning these manners will make you a better person.
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